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The 7 Chakras - Main Energy Centers

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. The Vedas are the earliest Sanskrit literary records and the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism. These texts and ancient healing traditions tell us that there is a subtle, divine energy that is the foundation of all life, of the whole universe. This life force energy is called “prana”, “chi” or “ki”.


Chakras (Sanskrit: “spinning wheels”) are energy centers in our body. It is believed that there are 114 energy centres in the body: seven major/main chakras, 21 minor chakras and 86 micro chakras. The seven main ones are located along the spine, through the neck and the top of the head. Each chakra corresponds to specific organs as well as physical, emotional, psychological, emotional and spiritual states of being and influences all areas of our life. Each of these energy centers has a unique vibrational frequency. At Seed of Life Healing each crystal bowl is tuned to one of the seven main chakras in our body. 


Unbalanced chakras - or blocked energy in and around the chakras - can lead to physical and emotional imbalances, distress and even disease. When the chakras are balanced and harmonised, our energy is free-flowing, allowing prana (Sanskrit: "breath", life force energy) to flow through them, keeping us healthy, happy, vibrant and energized.


To complement Seed of Life Healing's services of sound healing and chakra balancing, we have developed seven unique Hypercharged Chakra Oils - one oil for each chakra - to balance and harmonize your energy centers.

A drawing explaining the 7 Chakras (main energy centres in the body)
1. Root Chakra Symbol.jpg

#1 Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It includes the first three vertebrae, the bladder and the colon. It is the ‘survival’ chakra that carries the energies of grounding, stability and security. It’s associated with our sense of home and belonging, our physical body and needs, survival and self-preservation.


Key themes: Grounding & Stability

Sanskrit meaning: Root Support

Color: Red 

Gemstone: Red Jasper, Blood Stone, Ruby, Smoky Quartz

Musical note: C

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: LAM

Planet: Saturn

Gland: Reproductive glands

Element: Earth

Affirmations: I am grounded - I am safe - I have all that I need


The Root Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • have lost your sense of home or belonging

  • are going through major transitions or changes that make you feel unsteady

  • become ungrounded easily

  • face constant financial issues

  • are often scatty, restless or overly anxious

  • often feel unsafe 

  • feel heavy, sluggish and lethargic

  • are overly fearful of any change in your life

  • are obsessive about routine

  • feel  overly angry or aggressive

  • have issues with your feet, legs, lower back, poor circulation


The Hypercharged Root Chakra Oil will help balance your Root Chakra and increase feelings of Grounding & Stability.

2. Sacral Chakra Symbol.png

#2 Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)


The Sacral Chakra is located between the pubic bone and navel. It encompasses the genital, reproductive and urinary systems. It is the centre of reproduction, creativity and emotional body. This chakra is associated with intimacy, sexuality, sensuality, manifestation, emotions, control and relationships.


Key themes: Intimacy & Creativity

Sanskrit meaning: 'The dwelling place of the self'

Color: Orange

Gemstone: Carnelian, Amber

Musical note: D

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: VAM

Planet: Moon

Gland: Gonad (reproductive glands)

Element: Water

Affirmations: I am passionate - I am creative - I am emotionally balanced


The Sacral Chakra may be out of balance, if you:​

  • struggle to be creative

  • are experiencing sexual issues, struggle with intimacy or infertility

  • find it hard to feel or enjoy pleasure

  • experience strong PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

  • feel stiff and rigid (physically and emotionally)

  • find it difficult to feel or express your emotions

  • find yourself living in constant emotional drama or turmoil

  • experience frequent mood swings or are excessively over-sensitive

  • feel isolated and disconnected from others

  • are unable to set healthy boundaries

  • are unable to develop long-lasting true relationships

  • suffer from addictions


The Hypercharged Sacral Chakra Oil will help balance your Sacral Chakra and promote

Intimacy & Creativity.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol.png

#3 Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) 


The Solar Plexus Chakra is located between the navel and the base of the sternum. It includes the stomach, liver, large intestine and the skin as a system. This chakra is the home of our personal power and the main storage center for prana (life force energy). It is the centre of our fire and zest for life. It's about our courage, self-esteem, self-worth, willpower, inner strength, vitality, motivation, confidence, independence, and freedom.


Key themes: Courage & Power

Sanskrit meaning: Golden Gem / City of Jewels

Color: Yellow

Gemstone: Tiger’s Eye, Citrine

Musical note: E

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: RAM

Planet: Mars and Sun

Gland: Adrenal glands, Pancreas

Element: Fire

Affirmations: I am strong - I am courageous - I am worthy


The Solar Plexus Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • often have low/no energy

  • feel like your fire and zest for life has diminished

  • are unmotivated

  • feel like there is no spontaneity in your life

  • often let other people walk all over you

  • fall easily into depression

  • crave validation from others

  • have a lack of purpose or direction in life

  • find yourself often getting overly angry or aggressive

  • are overly controlling and easily become obsessive or manipulative


The Hypercharged Solar Plexus Chakra Oil will help balance your Solar Plexus Chakra and promote Courage & Power.

4. Heart Chakra Symbol.png

#4 Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest, next to the heart. It includes the blood circulatory system, immune system and lungs. This chakra connects the three lower physical-emotional main chakras to the three higher mental-spiritual main chakras; it is the bridge between body and spirit. This is the chakra of love, compassion and empathy and is associated with kindness, self-acceptance, and generosity. Forgiveness is the key to activating the Heart Chakra.


Key themes: Love & Compassion  

Sanskrit meaning: Unhurt

Color: Emerald green

Gemstone: Rose Quartz, Tourmaline, Jade

Musical note: F

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: YAM

Planet: Venus

Gland: Thymus

Element: Air

Affirmations: I am love - I am kind & compassionate - I listen to & follow my heart


The Heart Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • are not able to show your love or empathy

  • are often very hard on yourself and others

  • are overly critical and judgemental

  • find it difficult to let go of the past or forgive past hurts from others

  • cannot truly connect with others on a deeper level

  • have become cynical and bitter about life

  • feel isolated and distrustful of others

  • fear emotional intimacy and have commitment issues

  • lack joy in your life

  • are often jealous, possessive and needy in your relationships

  • your relationships end up being very co-dependent

  • are constantly trying to please other people


The Hypercharged Heart Chakra Oil will help balance your Heart Chakra and promote

Love & Compassion.

5. Throat Chakra Symbol.png

#5 Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)


The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat and includes the neck, jaw, mouth and tongue. This chakra is about communication, self-expression and speaking our highest truth. It is associated with expressing and receiving, expressing in the form of communicating what one wants and feels or an artistic expression.


Key themes: Communication & Self-Expression 

Sanskrit meaning: Clarified / Purified

Color: Turquoise

Gemstone: Aquamarine, Aventurine, Amazonite, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli

Musical note: G

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: HAM

Planet: Mercury

Gland: Thyroid

Element: Ether

Affirmations: I speak my truth - I am heard - I am ready to express my true self


The Throat Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • find it challenging to say and express what you are truly feeling

  • struggle to clearly communicate your opinions and needs

  • find it hard to stick up for yourself and others

  • are excessively shy and have a fear of speaking

  • talk too much and speak without thinking

  • like to gossip or complain a lot

  • find it difficult to listen to others

  • feel like you wear a mask and pretend to be someone you're not

  • find it hard to say no


The Hypercharged Throat Chakra Oil will help balance your Throat Chakra and promote 

Communication & Self-Expression.

6. 3rd Eye Chakra Symbol.png

#6 Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)


The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and includes the forehead and temples. This chakra is the center of our intuition and awareness and houses our ability to perceive the realms of subtle energies beyond our physical senses. It is associated with self-reflection, visualisation, extra sensory perception, psychic power, and sixth sense. Connected to the pineal gland, this energy centre is our portal to the divine.


Key themes: Intuition & Awareness 

Sanskrit meaning: Knowledge / Perceiving

Color: Indigo blue

Gemstone: Amethyst

Musical note: A

Bija Mantra/ Seed Sound: OM

Planet: Neptune

Gland: Pineal gland

Affirmations: I trust my intuition - I see the truth & my true path - I only attract good people, things & events


The Third Eye Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • are narrow-minded and lack imagination

  • are oblivious of what is really going on around you

  • find it difficult to see the bigger picture of life

  • struggle to see solutions or new ways of doing things in your life

  • find it hard to imagine your life being different

  • find it difficult to get clarity around what you want

  • live in a fantasy world, but can't manifest any of your visions

  • have difficulties concentrating or sleeping

  • feel like you have lost touch with reality

  • hold limiting beliefs

  • are obsessed with "finding the answer"


The Hypercharged Third Eye Chakra Oil will help balance your Third Eye Chakra and promote Intuition & Awareness.

7. Crown Chakra Symbol.png

#7 Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 


The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and includes the brain and the entire nervous system. It represents enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher self, others, a higher power, and God. It is associated with spirituality, consciousness, understanding, self-knowledge, cosmic awareness, and integration with source energy.


Key themes: Spirituality & Consciousness

Sanskrit meaning: Thousand petal lotus / Infinity

Color: Violet or White

Gemstone: Clear Crystal Quartz, Selenite, Moonstone

Musical note: B

Bija Mantra / Seed Sound: OM

Planet: Uranus 

Gland: Pituitary gland

Affirmations: I am one with the divine - The universe guides me to my greater good - I am connected to the source energy


The Crown Chakra may be out of balance, if you:

  • feel isolated or alone

  • feel uninspired in life and easily fall into depression

  • feel cut off from the spirit realms

  • find it difficult to meditate or pray

  • have lost your connection to the universe

  • find it challenging to integrate your spiritual beliefs into your daily life

  • are overly concerned with material concerns and your physical appearance

  • feel dissociated from your physical body and don't look after your physical needs (e.g. eating poorly, neglecting your comfort)


The Hypercharged Crown Chakra Oil will help balance your Crown Chakra and promote 

Spirituality & Consciousness.

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